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West Texas Pharmacy Association - Homepage
(866) 528-5334

Spring Retreat Registration


Feb 28th - Mar 1st, 2025  

Hodgetown   Amarillo, TX


Click HERE for Pharmacist/Pharmacy Tech Registration

Click HERE for Guest Registration 

Click HERE for Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration


Hotel:  Hilton Embassy Suites Downtown

 Click HERE to book a room

(Technically, our room block has expired but you may still be able to book a room at WTPA rates by reaching out directly to [email protected])  

Click HERE to see the Schedule of Events


Update to TSBP CE Requirements

  • TSBP requires a Human Trafficking course be completed for each renewal period for both Pharmacists and Technicians. This course may or may not also count for CE depending on the course that you choose to take.

  • The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy offers a FREE pharmacy-focused Human Trafficking course that is approved by HHS and fulfills TSBP’s requirement and also counts as 1.5 hours of CE. To access this course, go to:

    • https://utpharmacyce.learningexpressce.com/ 

    • Login or create an account and enroll in the 1.5 hour CE course titled: “Identifying and Responding to Victims of Human Trafficking for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians”

    • Make sure to complete the evaluation to receive your credit

Click HERE to access CE Slide Sets

Click HERE to access TTU CE Slide Sets and Evals