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Lee Wehde R.Ph. Endowed Scholarships


One of these endowed scholarships was established in 2005 through generous donations by United Supermarkets and their employees, in honor of his numerous years of hard work and dedication to the company and the profession. This scholarship was one of the first endowed scholarships established at WTPA. In 2010, Lee created another endowed scholarship with his own funds. Each year WTPA will award two scholarships in Lee's honor. Lee has served his community and pharmacy throughout a long and varied career. He graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in 1965. He has served as a community pharmacist, a teacher (Gerontology for three years at SWOSU), Director of Pharmacy for United Supermarkets, and in his retirement, a pharmacist at Lubbock State School. He continues to serve the advancement of pharmacy through his active membership in West Texas Pharmacy Association, Lubbock Area Pharmacy Association, Texs Pharmacy Association, National Asssociation of Chain Drug Stores and Texas Federation of Drug Stores. He has served as president of WTPA and LAPA and is a recipient of the WTPA's prestigious Heritage Award. Lee believes that the WTPA scholarship program is the best way to help young people who want to be pharmacists in West Texas. His hope is that these young pharmacists will be active in their professional pharmacy associations and give back to their profession through organizations like WTPA.