Pharmacy Manager Hometown: Seminole Current: Big Spring Education: Texas GED 2001, Seminole HIgh School Family: I have been married to my husband, Abe, for 23 years. We have 3 grown children that we are incredibly proud of. Evalin, Imagin, and Landon. Professional: I began working at Oswalt Pharmacy in 2009 as a clerk. I soon realized that I could do more. After a visit with the boss, Gary, I was condent that I could be a Pharmacy Technician. What started out as a temporary part-time job, became a passion and a purpose. Knowing that I can and do make a difference in the lives of those around me has been one of the most rewarding things in my life. I worked at Oswalt Pharmacy for 10 years. Moved to Big Spring and worked at CVS in Snyder for 18 months. I was given an amazing opportunity. To help open a brand new independent pharmacy! Carver Drug opened in August 2019. Getting to know new people in new a town was challenging and hugely rewarding at the same time. I am happy to say that today in 2025 we are going strong! I am an active member of my church, Trinity Baptist Church, in Big Spring. One of my favorite places to be. I am an ambassador for Carver Drug with the Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce. I serve a board member on the Volunteer Service Council for the Big Spring State Hospital. Our goal is to make life better for the residents. We have several fundraisers throughout the year that directly benet those residents. WTPA: I have been attending WTPA’s Spring Retreat for many years. Something I look forward to every year. It refreshes and reminds me that what we do in pharmacy truly matters. It is an amazing resource for those of us in retail pharmacy. I have been on the board since 2023.