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Chris Alvarado

Alvardo Chris1

Chris Alvarado

Past President
San Antonio

Dr. Christopher Alvarado has worked in the pharmacy business for over 30 years.  His life changed when the UIW Feik School of Pharmacy (FSOP) was established in 2006.  He graduated with honors in the UIW FSOP inaugural Class of 2010 and was presented with the inaugural Dean’s Pinnacle Award for excellence in education and leadership.  Staying involved with his alma mater is of great importance to Dr. Alvarado, as he serves as President of the UIW FSOP Alumni Network and a past Board of Director of the UIW Alumni Network.  He also sponsors the annual Alvarado Advocacy Award scholarship to a deserving pharmacy student.  Recently he was truly honored to be the recipient of the UIW Fall 2017 Alumni of Distinction award.  

Dr. Alvarado enjoys educating students about pharmacy and the importance of protecting the pharmacy profession.  He has been a preceptor to many pharmacy students for over six years, and challenges them during their rotations to help prepare them for their board exams and future career.  He truly motivates his students and has never turned down a request to be a mentor, as he believes in making a difference in our future generations and guiding those who share his passion.  In 2013, he was recipient of the UIW FSOP APPE Preceptor of the Year Award.

One of Dr. Alvarado’s finest qualities as a pharmacist is the unique gift of connecting with patients, colleagues and students, which develop into lifelong relationships.  Providing excellent patient care has been his primary focus, and as a result he has become the trusted pharmacist to so many patients and their families.  Dr. Alvarado worked at Oakdell Pharmacy for over 18 years and was the recipient of the Oakdell Pharmacy Award of Excellence for loyalty, leadership and excellence in management in 2012 and 2014.  Dr. Alvarado is currently employed by HEB, and enjoys the challenges of a new journey in the pharmacy profession.

Dr. Alvarado has always been a leader by nature, and has a passion for pharmacy advocacy and staying involved in organizations that help protect the pharmacy profession.  He serves as an Officer or Board of Director with several pharmacy organizations.  Dr. Alvarado has been awarded with the following Texas Pharmacy Association (TPA) awards, 2013 TPA Distinguished Young Pharmacist of the Year, 2015 TPA Pharmacist of the Year, and 2017 Bowl of Hygeia.  Dr. Alvarado was also recognized by his alma mater, UIW, with the Alumni of Distinction Award, which is the highest award presented to only two alumni each year.  He was chosen for these awards due to his time and dedication to the pharmacy profession, serving the community, Christian living, professional accomplishments and involvement with many pharmacy organizations.

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